In 2015 the first Basement Bangers was organised in the heart of Berlin. Back then only an intimate group of celebrities like Big Erp, Angry Angel and Tipsy Tinka were invited. But in the years after, the festival grew exponentially and people from all over the world came to Berlin to be part of this spectacular event.

Nowadays the BBP is often mentioned in the same sentence with festivals like Tomorrowland, Fusion and Burning Man. The organisation behind BBP is not a fan of this association because this festival cannot be compared to any other festival in the world. It’s different.

On this page you can find all information about past editions & upcoming editions. You can find the latest insights and plenty of juicy photos.

11.10.2025: THE NEXT EDITION

Same Location in 2025: LARK
We really liked the 2024 location. Easy to reach, one large floor, solid sound-systems & reasonable prices. So we decided to organise it at the LARK again. Last year there was a lot of sickness and we ended up with a lot of space on the dance-floor so don’t forget to invite your friends!

LARK Berlin

Contribution of 10€
Although all prices are going up, we managed to keep the price stable. Still we need to ask you for a small contribution of 10€ because renting a venue in Berlin is not cheap. If you want to know more about the exact expenses, just let me know.

Date: 11.10.2025
Time: 20.00 – 03.00
Theme: TBA
Location: LARK
Address: Holzmarktstraße 15-18
Tickets: 10€
Where to buy: Paypal to Job

The cutest vampire of all

12.10.2024: Halloween Edition

After the successful edition in James & June in 2023, we wanted to organise the party at the same venue again. Unfortunately the James & June wanted to profit from our immense international success and decided to almost double the costs. After thorough consideration we decided to look for a different venue and we found an agreement with a place called LARK, a promising venue at Berlin Jannowitzbrücke.

Date: 12.10.2024
Location: LARK
Guests: Around 60 (Lot of sickness)
Bar sales: 2344€
Theme: Halloween

2023: Jobs & Uniforms

The 2023 basement party was a blast. Around 70 people showed up and people were dancing the whole night. Good times! It was the first time in James & June and we were very pleased with this new location. Below you can find some impressions:

Date: 17.10.2022
Location: Basement of restaurant März
Guests: Around 70
Theme: Jobs & Uniforms

2022: Superheroes & Villains

It was so nice to see all the creative costumes in 2022. Superheroes and Villains is definitely a theme I would like to repeat again in 4-5 years.

Date: 12.11.2022
Location: Basement of restaurant März
Guests: Around 40
Theme: Superheroes & Villains

2019: 10 Years Job & Maria Party

In 2019 there was a special edition of the basement-party. The 10-Years Anniversary Party. Time is flying but memories of nights like these will always remain.

Date: 13.04.2019
Location: Basement of restaurant März
Guests: Around 35
Theme: Just dress up

2016: The nineties (Maria, Nicky & Daniel 30)

In April 2016 we celebrated the 30th Birthday of Maria, Nicky and Daniel in the basement of Gina M. The theme was 90s and the photos show that it was a great party.

Date: 20.04.2016
Location: Basement of restaurant März
Guests: Around 50
Theme: 90s

December 2015/2016: New Years Eve Party

One of the coolest basement-parties we organised was the New Years Eve Party 2015/2016. Many people showed up and it was fun to go outside and light the fireworks together.

Date: 31.12.2015
Location: Basement of restaurant März
Guests: Around 40
Theme: No Theme


My Name is Job and originally from the Netherlands. In 2012, a girl I met in Australia motivated me to move to Berlin. I love to share the best places, activities and events in Berlin with you on my blog.

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