Update: Unfortunately the Rosi’s Club has been closed since the year 2018.
Berlin has a lot to offer on the field of clubs and bars. You have large clubs like Berghain, Sisyphos and Ritter Butzke and you some more luxury clubs like Watergate and Weekend Club. In between you have clubs which do their own thing and are mainly accessible, affordable and uncomplicated: The Rosi’s is an example.
The Revaler Straße
One of the coolest areas of Berlin is definitely Friedrichshain. Especially the part around Warschauer Brücke, Simon Dach Straße and the Revaler Straße is very attractive. At the end of the Revaler Strasse you can find Club Rosi’s on number 29. De Rosi’s is located on walking distance from station Warschauer Straße but you can also decide to travel to Ostkreuz and reach the club from there.

Club Rosi’s
When you arrive at the Rosi’s you will normally find a small line of about 10-20 people: Just enough to tell you that there is something going on and not so much that you would like to turn around again. After you paid entrance (6-8€) you step into the large garden where you can find many lounge-chairs, a table-tennis table and sometimes a small fire. For the hungry visitors there is also a barbecue with a delicious variety of meat and the guy who is responsible for that is absolutely hilarious: Do not forget to have a talk with him when you visit the Rosi’s.
Versatile Music
But besides the great garden there is also a lot of activity inside the Rosi’s. Straight after you enter the club you get welcomed by a large bar with the funny text “Drugstore” on top of it. A bit further you can find the largest floor where you can normally find a DJ but once in a while you can also find rock and punk-bands here. Because of the versatile music in the Rosi’s I would always advice to visit their website before you visit. From House to Techno and from Reggae to Punk, everything is possible in Club Rosi’s. But because there is also a second floor in the Rosi’s you will normally find something you like.
Affordable and easy to get in
Besides a large range of cool possibilities, club Rosi’s also offers very affordable prices. The entrance is normally around 6-8€ and if you arrive around midnight you can get in for a few euro’s cheaper. Beers in the Rosi’s can be bought for 2,50€ and soft-drinks are only 1,50€. All in all very reasonable if you compare it with many other clubs in Berlin. Besides the reasonable prices it is also not very hard to get into the Rosi’s. Where many clubs have a very strict door-policy (Berghain, Wilde Renate), the bouncers of the Rosi’s will normally not make a large problem if you act normal and are not too wasted.
Small living rooms
Besides the two larger areas there are also two smaller rooms where you can rest or have a chat with a smaller group of people (seats for about 10 people). The rooms are very berlin-style and retro and the chairs are very comfortable. It is great to arrive in Rosi’s a bit earlier and first take it easy in one of these rooms. Besides that you can also find a football-table in this club so you can spend some time challenging people as well.

Judge yourself
The total package of club Rosi’s is very interesting in my opinion: The combination of reasonable prices, a large garden and versatile music is something you do not find in many clubs. The Rosi’s might not be the most glamorous places in Berlin and you do not hear the name as often as the Berghain or the Kater Holzig, but just give the Rosi’s a try and judge yourself.
Facts about the Rosi’s
Below you can find all the useful facts about the Rosi’s one more time.
Name: Club Rosi’s
Address: Revaler Strasse 29
Public Transport: Warschauer Straße or Ostkreuz
Entance: 6-8 € (3-5€ when you arrive before 00.00)
Beer: 2,50 € (Beck’s)
Shots: 2 €